The dataset contains data about the nature of the acts
Updated: 05-04-2019 12.04.00
The dataset contains data about Legislatures and sessions
Updated: 15-01-2019 12.01.00
The dataset contains data about the parliamentary documents of the XIX Legislature
Updated: 16-04-2024 12.04.00
The dataset contains data about the acts of direction and control of the XIX Legislature
Updated: 23-01-2025 12.01.00
The dataset contains data about sessions and stenographic reports of the XIX Legislature
The dataset contains data about Version of the text of the acts of the XIX Legislature
The dataset contains data about the Assembly of the XIX Legislature
Updated: 15-01-2025 12.01.00
The dataset describes information relating to the permanent committees, bicameral committees, other internal bodies and councils of the XIX Legislature.
The dataset contains data about the Parliamentary offices of the XIX Legislature
The dataset contains data about the Deputies' positions of the XIX Legislature
The dataset contains data about the debates and discussions of the XIX Legislature
The dataset contains data about the Interventions of the XIX Legislature
The dataset contains data about the speakers and the reports of the XIX Legislature
The dataset contains data about the assignments of the XIX Legislature
The dataset contains data about the requests for opinions of the XIX Legislature
The dataset contains data about the status of the proceedings of the acts of the XIX Legislature
The dataset contains data about the transmission of acts of the XIX Legislature
Updated: 22-01-2025 12.01.00
The dataset contains data about the acts of the XIX Legislature
The dataset contains data about the bulletins of the XIX Legislature
The dataset contains data about the attachments to discussions of the XIX Legislature