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Dataset Electoral reform - Election of the Chamber of Deputies on 13 and 14 April 2008
The votes cast in the elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 2013, 2008 and 2006 were based on the Commission’s proposal to convert votes into seats. Methodology and results in summary are presented in the Dossier of the Study Service n. 98 on the calculation of election results. The following data constitute the votes to which the formula has been applied (valid votes regrouped in the constituencies and multi-nominal constituencies provided for in Tables A and B of the bill) and the detail of the final result, that is, the seats allocated to the lists in the multi-member constituencies.
Campo Valore
Publisher Chamber of deputies
Release Date
Identificativo dataset/electoral-reform-election-2008
Lingua English
License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike[Open Data]
Public Access Level Public
Contact Name Chamber of deputies
POD theme research department

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Valid re-election votes in constituencies
Valid votes in multi-rated colleges
Allocation of list seats in multi-member constituencies