Salta al contenuto principale
511 risultati

Acts of direction and control of the XV Legislature

The dataset contains data about the acts of direction and control of the XV Legislature

Aggiornamento: 28-04-2015 12.04.00


Acts of direction and control of the XIV Legislature

The dataset contains data about the acts of direction and control of the XIV Legislature

Aggiornamento: 29-04-2015 12.04.00


Acts of direction and control of the XIII Legislature

The dataset contains data about the acts of direction and control of the XIII Legislature

Aggiornamento: 06-06-2014 12.06.00


Acts of direction and control of the XII Legislature

The dataset contains data about the acts of direction and control of the XII Legislature

Aggiornamento: 14-05-2014 12.05.00


Acts of direction and control of the XI Legislature

The dataset contains data about the acts of direction and control of the XI Legislature

Aggiornamento: 14-05-2014 12.05.00


Acts of direction and control of the X Legislature

The dataset contains data about the acts of direction and control of the X Legislature

Aggiornamento: 14-05-2014 12.05.00


Acts of the Chamber of the XVIII Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the XVIII Legislature

Aggiornamento: 12-10-2022 12.10.00


Acts of the Chamber of the XVII Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the XVII Legislature

Aggiornamento: 03-05-2018 12.05.00


Acts of the Chamber of the XVI Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the XVI Legislature

Aggiornamento: 28-07-2014 12.07.00


Acts of the Chamber of the XV Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the XV Legislature

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Acts of the Chamber of the XIV Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the XIV Legislature

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Acts of the Chamber of the XIII Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the XIII Legislature

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Acts of the Chamber of the XII Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the XII Legislature

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Acts of the Chamber of the XI Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the XI Legislature

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Acts of the Chamber of the X Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the X Legislature

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Acts of the Chamber of the IX Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the IX Legislature

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Acts of the Chamber of the VIII Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the VIII Legislature

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Acts of the Chamber of the VII Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the VII Legislature

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Acts of the Chamber of the VI Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the VI Legislature

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Acts of the Chamber of the V Legislature

The dataset contains data about the Acts of the Chamber of the V Legislature

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00
