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511 risultati

Atti Camera della XII Legislatura

Il dataset contiene i dati relativi agli Atti Camera della XII Legislatura

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Atti Camera della XI Legislatura

Il dataset contiene i dati relativi agli Atti Camera della XI Legislatura

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Atti Camera della X Legislatura

Il dataset contiene i dati relativi agli Atti Camera della X Legislatura

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Atti Camera della IX Legislatura

Il dataset contiene i dati relativi agli Atti Camera della IX Legislatura

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Atti Camera della VIII Legislatura

Il dataset contiene i dati relativi agli Atti Camera della VIII Legislatura

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Atti Camera della VII Legislatura

Il dataset contiene i dati relativi agli Atti Camera della VII Legislatura

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Atti Camera della VI Legislatura

Il dataset contiene i dati relativi agli Atti Camera della VI Legislatura

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Atti Camera della V Legislatura

Il dataset contiene i dati relativi agli Atti Camera della V Legislatura

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Atti Camera della IV Legislatura

Il dataset contiene i dati relativi agli Atti Camera della IV Legislatura

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Atti Camera della III Legislatura

Il dataset contiene i dati relativi agli Atti Camera della III Legislatura

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Atti Camera della II Legislatura

Il dataset contiene i dati relativi agli Atti Camera della II Legislatura

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Atti Camera della I Legislatura

Il dataset contiene i dati relativi agli Atti Camera della I Legislatura

Aggiornamento: 15-07-2014 12.07.00


Dataset Electoral reform - dossier

Application of the electoral formula proposed by the Constitutional Affairs Commission, approved in the Chamber on 12 March 2014, to the elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 2013, 2008 and 2006.

Aggiornamento: 27-02-2014 12.02.00


Dataset Electoral reform - Election of the Chamber of Deputies on 24 and 25 February 2013

The votes cast in the elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 2013, 2008 and 2006 were based on the Commission’s proposal to convert votes into seats. Methodology and results in summary are presented in the Dossier of the Study Service n. 98 on the calculation of election results. The following data constitute the votes to which the formula has been applied (valid votes regrouped in the constituencies and multi-nominal constituencies provided for in Tables A and B of the bill) and the detail of the final result, that is, the seats allocated to the lists in the multi-member constituencies.

Aggiornamento: 27-02-2014 12.02.00

3x zip

Dataset Electoral reform - Election of the Chamber of Deputies on 13 and 14 April 2008

The votes cast in the elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 2013, 2008 and 2006 were based on the Commission’s proposal to convert votes into seats. Methodology and results in summary are presented in the Dossier of the Study Service n. 98 on the calculation of election results. The following data constitute the votes to which the formula has been applied (valid votes regrouped in the constituencies and multi-nominal constituencies provided for in Tables A and B of the bill) and the detail of the final result, that is, the seats allocated to the lists in the multi-member constituencies.

Aggiornamento: 27-02-2014 12.02.00

3x zip

Dataset Electoral reform - Election of the Chamber of Deputies on 9 and 10 April 2006

The votes cast in the elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 2013, 2008 and 2006 were based on the Commission’s proposal to convert votes into seats. Methodology and results in summary are presented in the Dossier of the Study Service n. 98 on the calculation of election results. The following data constitute the votes to which the formula has been applied (valid votes regrouped in the constituencies and multi-nominal constituencies provided for in Tables A and B of the bill) and the detail of the final result, that is, the seats allocated to the lists in the multi-member constituencies.

Aggiornamento: 27-02-2014 12.02.00

3x zip

Dataset Electoral reform - list of municipalities included in multi-member districts (Table A attached to D.Lgs. 122/2015)

Composition of multi-nominal colleges according to Table A attached to Legislative Decree 7 August 2015, n. 122, Determination of the colleges of the Chamber of Deputies, pursuant to Article 4 of Law 6 May 2015, n. 52, containing provisions on the election of the Chamber of Deputies. For each constituency divided into several constituencies (one sheet per constituency) the composition of the multi-member constituencies is shown. For each multi-nominal college, the municipalities whose territory is included in that college are listed.

Aggiornamento: 16-09-2015 12.09.00

15x zip

Dataset Electoral reform - constituencies of the Trentino-Alto Adige district (Table B attached to D.Lgs. 122/2015)

For the constituency of Trentino Alto Adige, sheet 04_TAA_uninominali contains the composition of the single-member constituencies established in the constituency, as shown in Table B annexed to Legislative Decree No. 122 of 7 August 2015, with the indication, for each municipality, of the population resulting from the 2011 census as well as the province of belonging (indicated by the abbreviation). No list is given for the Valle d'Aosta constituency, which consists of one single member constituency.

Aggiornamento: 16-09-2015 12.09.00


Presidents of the Council of Ministers

The dataset contains data about the Presidents of the Council of Ministers

Aggiornamento: 25-10-2022 12.10.00


Presidents of the Italian Republic

The dataset contains data about the Presidents of the Italian Republic

Aggiornamento: 17-04-2018 12.04.00
